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Do June Bugs Bite?

Bugs come in all forms and sizes. There are scary-looking ones, foul-smelling ones, and those that can give a powerful bite and make you sick. Some people fear bugs and are horrified when they see them from afar. But others can pick it up and play with it as if it is a shiny new toy.

We often view bugs as pests. Some folks can play with a beetle and even include them as one of their collections. June bugs, May bugs, or June beetles are a group of scarabs common across many parts of the world. When you switch on your light, you’ll see these bugs flocking your home.

Do June bugs bite
Do June bugs bite?

Do June bugs bite? They often land on our heads, and backs, and on our shoulders. But do they give a painful sting? They have spiny, sticky legs that often grab and take a firm hold on our skin when they land on us. It is easy to experience a lot of nightmares when these insects cling their grip on us. Do June bugs bite? Let us find out.

Do June bugs bite?

Technically, a June bug does not pose a threat to humans, and they do not give you a painful and paralyzing bite. An adult June bug does not live more than several weeks. After a June bug turns into a full-grown adult, it is interested in two things only. That is to produce and keep another set of large bugs and eat until their last breath.

Actually, an adult June bug doesn’t really eat voraciously, and they are more of spreading a lot of love and fill the world with bugs and continue the cycle again. Their diet is mostly oak and barks but is not enough to cause heavy damage to the trees they feed.

So, we have resolved one issue regarding June bugs; they don’t bite. You can pick up one June bug and can put it in your hands. When they enter your home, they are just chilling and just looking for a mate. They are not like some other insects that bring a horrendous smell and pack a powerful, stinging bite if you cross paths with them.

What causes problems is sometimes our fear meets with disgust when we see an insect doing its own thing. In most cases, a June bug is just bumbling around and is not making any of us their target. They don’t have any mission to make our lives miserable, and they are just chilling and basking in the light since it attracted them to it.

Entomophobia is the irrational fear of bugs. Some people’s brains behave unusually when it sees either a crawling or flying insect. Our brain automatically presumes that all insects have a potentially serious and painful bite, and when we see one, we automatically presume that a June would bite us.

Even some cultures see bugs as a delectable treat, a source of protein, so they do not see bugs as something they would have to fear but something that can give nourishment and an additional source of nutrition. But a June bug banging out windows can get others to startle, and the buzzing sound they make can send a chill on their spine.

You need to watch out for the larvae

The larva June bugs are the ones that you need to watch out for. Adult June bugs don’t harm people or harm vegetation, and it’s the larvae that feed incessantly on plants and trees. You may see the larvae as a slow-moving, flat-footed creatures, but they are no laughing matter when they are on your lawn and garden.

We call a June bug larva a grub, which causes heavy damage to anybody’s garden. Grubs usually bore down on the soil and feed on roots and plants. You know a larva is within that area because you’ll see many dead lawns that result from the incessant feeding of larvae.

Finding out if the culprit is a June bug larva is easy. In most cases, these larvae are active underground during late summer. When you lift a section of dead grass, and you see a white-curled soft-bodied grub resting underneath, you just found out who’s causing all the carnage and havoc. It’s that pesky June bug larvae, and you must get rid of them.

Removing any traces of June bug in your garden

There are natural ways on how to remove June bug larvae in your garden. One way is to release some nematodes that feed on June bugs’ larvae. Skunks, raccoons, and birds like crows and seagulls feed on June bug larvae. Adults pose less danger to vegetation, but larvae come from them.

Ortho Home Defense Insect Killer for Indoor & Perimeter

If you want to eradicate any bugs presence that destroys your lawn and garden, this insect killer is an ideal choice for you. It effectively kills ants, roaches, spiders, fleas, and ticks that bring nothing but destruction. It was good to use because it is odorless, doesn’t stain, and gets all those pesky bugs out of your garden and home.

An effective insect solution that kills and prevents a bug from infesting the applied area for 12 months. It does not leave any residue, and you’ll not go to sneeze constantly because of the strong and foul odor. You can safely enter the treated area with your pets with little trouble and issues.

A little spray is all you need to keep those pesky bugs away. Get them out of your home and off your garden easily. Try it now and see how effective it is in getting rid of your bug problems.

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Spectracide Triazicide Insect Killer For Lawns

Waking up every morning and looking at the flowers in your garden is a welcome sight. But when you notice brown spots in the middle of your red and green patches, you know those pesky bugs are doing their thing. It’s time for a fast solution that will get them out of our lawn and garden for good.

This effective insect killer kills all kinds of insects that cause damages to the plants on your lawn. Getting rid of crawling, flying, and other kinds of insects with ease with every application of this insect killer. Once those pesky bugs get in contact, then it is a “bye-bye” for them because it will kill them effectively on contact.

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Do June Bugs Bite?
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