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How To Get Rid Of Mouse Urine Smell

Mouse urine is very strong with a distinct odor, making it that much harder to get rid of. Once you have successfully eliminated the mice entirely from your home, eliminating their odors can be challenging.

Every time they are spotted in your house, there will be droppings and urine trails left behind. These are two main sources for getting rid of mouse urine smell. You may also want to try some simple homemade tricks to eliminate the strong smell of mouse urine in your home.

How To Get Rid Of Mouse Urine Smell
How To Get Rid Of Mouse Urine Smell?

Here are some tips on how to get rid of mouse urine smell

Clean up food crumbs or particles that are left on surfaces of floors using an enzymatic cleaner. This type of product is specifically made to get rid of organic odors like that of mouse urine. Such cleaners can be found in pet stores or the cleaning products area of hardware stores. Please read the product label carefully to make sure it is an enzymatic cleaner and follow the instructions on its packaging.

Take out your vacuum cleaner and suck up all crumbs or particles around your home, especially any droppings or urine trails you see near possible entry points (toilets, sinks, drains) because these are where they might enter next time. Use a crevice tool attachment for tight spots between cabinets, under furniture, and baseboards/walls. This will help remove mouse smell better than the standard round brush usually provided with vacuum cleaners. It would help if you did this regularly to prevent mice from entering your home again.

If there are any wet patches in the house where mouse urine smells particularly strong, sprinkle baking soda over it. Let it sit for a couple of hours or overnight until dry, and then vacuum the area to remove the odors completely.

Pour some bleach on stubborn stains using a bottle with a narrow opening/nozzle. Put a heavy object over the spot to make sure the liquid seeps deep into the crevices or cracks to get rid of the urine smell effectively. Rinse off afterward and wipe up excess moisture with a towel until only dampness remains.

Spray lemon juice onto affected areas because mice don’t like citrus scents. Be careful not to get this in your eyes because it can sting. Wipe off the area with a towel afterward.

Put four to five drops of vanilla extract on cotton swabs. Place these in areas where you have noticed mouse activity so that they will leave faster. You may also want to try cedar scents instead because strong smells repel mice.

Spray vinegar onto affected surfaces, particularly near entry points (toilet, sink, drain) or other places that the mice frequently use. Vinegar is an effective natural cleaner that has strong odors that repel mice naturally.

Buy an electronic product called “Ultrasonic Pest Repellers” at stores specializing in pest control products. Plug it into a room that you believe is heavily infested with mice. This product emits high-frequency sound waves, which are annoying for pests like mice, and thus they will leave the area.

Try a commercial odor remover or enzyme cleaner on affected areas near your entry points (toilet, sink, drain) first before using more homemade methods because these products have been proven to eliminate foul odors better than baking soda, vinegar, or lemon juice can.

If you have pets, washing their bedding frequently may help remove some of the smell that they bring back into the house from outdoors. You may also want to clean your pet’s toys often not to attract those pesky mice.

Use scented dryer sheets around your home to keep any stray mice away.

Store them in drawers or cabinets where mice are likely to enter the house because they hate strong smells like fabric softener, which is usually put into these products.

You can also use regular fabric softeners because this has a similar effect, although it is not as long-lasting as dryer sheet types.

Try using natural repellents like peppermint oil near entry points (toilet, sink, drain) or around windows and doors if you want something more environmentally friendly than the commercial odor remover mentioned above. Be careful with this, though, because you should mix two tablespoons of water with ten drops of oil, then only use a cotton ball dipped in this mixture to apply it to affected areas. This is because pure peppermint oil and concentrated types of this product can damage your cat or dog’s respiratory system if they lick or eat anything that has been treated with it.

If you have any old towels, rags, or blankets lying around in storage that may have collected mouse urine and smells over time, add them to your laundry pile so they can be washed along with the rest of your clothes. When doing so, you might want to add some black pepper to the wash cycle because mice don’t like strong odors such as spice.

Use cotton balls/cotton swabs dipped in white vinegar and place these near entry points (toilet, sink, drain) where mice are known to return. This will help repel them because they hate the smell of vinegar.

Clean your home regularly to discourage mice from entering your house by making it less attractive for them to stay in areas where you have seen their activity. Be sure not to leave dirty dishes in your kitchen or other food on surfaces because this may be a magnet for pests such as mice which can carry harmful diseases and parasites. You should also wipe up spills immediately and follow other tips mentioned here if you want a successful strategy to get rid of mouse smell fast.

Finally, consider hiring a professional exterminator that deals with pest control if doing all of these do-it-yourself methods fails to keep mice away from your home. A professional will identify trouble areas where mice may enter the house and possibly set up barriers or traps for these pests, so you no longer have to worry about them. They also usually use stronger repellent products than homemade recipes or commercial odor removers on affected areas.

How To Get Rid Of Mouse Urine Smell
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