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How Long Can Fleas Live Without a Host

How Long can fleas Live without a host? Fleas species in the United States range to an estimate of 300. The most common household flea is called the cat flea or Ctnocephalides feels. There are other common fleas such as the dog fleas or Ctnocephalies Canis, the rat fleas better known as Nosopsyllus fassciatus, and another the human fleas which are also called Pulex irritans. Fleas are said to be the most severe plague known to mankind. Fleas can transmit Murine typhus, flea-borne spotted fever and Rickettsial disease, and more.

How Long Can Fleas Live Without a Host
How Long Can Fleas Live Without a Host

Fleas are more common in our pets. Our pets can bear a flea infestation which is deemed very contagious, also a high risk for our pet to consume a variety of flea-borne diseases which may include but are not limited to: flea-related dermatitis, anemia, and tapeworms. For this little pest to survive, they need a host. Without one, how long can fleas live? Let’s dig deeper into the flea lifespan.

Lifespan of Fleas

Flea Eggs

For an adult flea to lay eggs, she needs a host. Generally, the host will be our pets. Sadly enough, whenever the pet shakes, scratches, or move around, the eggs all surface. This can include the floor, the rug or pet rug, your bedding or bed, sofa, or any other place your pet will visit frequently. Flea eggs can account for 50-54% of the flea population. They are a pearly white color oval and smooth in shape, ranging about 0.5mm long. Flea eggs can take from 2-12 days to hatch into larvae form, depending on their environmental conditions.

Larvae Form

After the eggs hatch, they form in Larvae. Larvae resemble maggots in appearance, looking translucent and pale in color, measuring up to 2mms long. After the larvae are fully developed, they will measure up to 5mms long, with the color appearing to be darker. Typically, between your floorboard, inside your crevices, and in your carpets, larvae prefer to hibernate. These conditions are considered to be dark conditions. The mouths of flea larvae are powerful. A few things they like to feed on include but are not limited to: their skin shedding, the feces of adult fleas, waste of other animals, dead skin cells, animal fur, and human hair, as well as other organic debris. Larvae make up at least 35-37% of the flea population. During the phase Molting, larvae shed their skin three times before they transform into a pupa. This stage can last anywhere from 2-14 days, depending on the conditions of the environment.

Pupae Form

During this form, the pupae spin a sticky cocoon that attaches debris such as dirt and dust, and other flea feces to form a hard shell. With the pupae ranging in about 8-10% of the flea population, unfortunately, in this stage, pupae are hard to exterminate due to their hard shell. They are reluctant to insecticides. This stage can last from 5-14 days, depending on the conditions of its surrounding. Many times puppies can be stuck at this stage for a year.

Adult Fleas

Ironically, adult fleas only make up 5% of the entire flea population. Adult fleas usually live anywhere from 60 to 100 days. Unless the conditions are suitable for these adult fleas, they can live up to a year. In a female adult flea, she can lay up to 800 eggs in her lifetime, breaking down to 20-30 eggs in a day after her first blood meal. Typically she can start laying eggs within 36-48 hrs. These fleas range about 1.5-4mm and can be brown-black or sometimes reddish-brown. In unfavorable conditions, an adult flea can stay in the cocoon for up to 5 months until a likable host comes along.

Fleas Feeding Process

In most cases, fleas love to feed on hairy animals such as rabbits, dogs, cats, rats, possums, and other wild animals. If there isn’t animal wild animal insight, fleas will have no issues feeding off humans because fleas feed off of blood supply. The stylet, as they call it, is made up of a couple of mouthparts that come to help the flea suck blood. The laciniae, which is described as two saw-like parts, function to cut the skin. Then you have the epipharynx, which is labeled as a needle-like part that rests in the middle of the two laciniae on each side of the flea’s mouth order for the flea to get the vessel, the flea pierces the skin using the epipharynx, suctioning up the blood as it feeds. Strangely enough, while the flea is doing this, it ejects a chemical anticoagulant which event itself from clotting while it feeds on blood. This chemical can pose allergic reactions in some pets and human beings. Providing at least Ince every 12 hours, a flea can feed for up to an hour before it gets big. Ideally, fleas can carry for up to 15 times their body weight in blood. These fleas are typically every day.

How Long Can Fleas Live With a Host

Commonly, an adult flea can live from 2 months to 3 months if they have regular access to a host. Also, depending on the typical conditions in which they live, this plays a significant role in how long they can live. The living conditions for a flea to live is 85 f, with a humidity of 85%.

How Long Can Fleas Live Without a Host

So without a host, fleas can only live from 4 days to a week. DuriYoul finds an adult flea to stay in her cocoon enduring situations like this l she encounters a host. These fleas need to feed daily, which is why they will prefer to live on their host. A female flea can not lay any eggs until she has had her first blood meal.

Some Hidden Places Fleas Live

If you are unsure where these little critters like to hide, get I can give you a few ideas to help prevent yourself from having flea infestation.

On Pets

Most times, you will find that fleas love our pets because their bodies are adapted to live on animal fur. In any attempts the, furry pets trietryshake off the pest. They have strong mouths, alonow bodies and, spiked legs that help them hold on.

On Humans

Only when fleas lid=fe is dependent on it, they will search for human blood. In the event, one will find bite marks on the legs or feet of a human being and the ankles. However, one can find bite marks all over the body.

In The Carpets

In all stages of the flea lifespan, they typically love hidden in the carpet away from any lighting and also away from humans.

On Your Furniture

Fleas in their earliest stages, such as larvae, then pupae, and the flea eggs, may all find themselves on your furniture. Things may include beds, pet beds, any armchairs or sofas, as well as all the other furniture your pets may come into contact with. You will find these pests in spaces such as cracks, upholstery on your furniture as wells crevices. Given this, it will make these pest hardest to find in these given spaces.

In Your Yards

Not only can pests like fleas be a hassle to you indoors but listen they can be more of a bother for you outdoors. As mentioned before once living on your et, they will jump off anywhere frequently visited by your pet as long as the conditions are suitable for these pets.

In High Places

Say if you have a cat, due to your cat liking to jump in those strange places such as top shelves, high appliances like refrigerator and other out of the ordinary places, these fleas can jump off your pet and make this new space their new home. It has been said that due to cats having this ability, this makes cats more prone to spreading the infestation of fleas than dogs. So cats may require special attention.

Under Your Leaf Piles in Your Yard

Stray animals can come into your yards and mess around in your yard. This can result in fleas resting under plies of leaves until a lucky target comes along for the flea top to hatch onto.

How To Tell If You Have a Infestation of Fleas

If you notice your pets scratching more than the norm, then you should take a comb and inspect their fur. You will notice black spots all over your fur indicating someone may have poured black pepper all over your poor pet. You may also notice red bite marks on humans if bite by this pest. Due to some humans and animals being allergic to the chemical coagulant that these fleas inject, hives and or a rash may break out as a result of these bite marks. If you notice black specks on your bedding or pet bedding damp a tissue into the water and touch it to check for a reaction. If you see the specks turning reddish-brown you may have found flea feces. For this is only digested blood or partially digested blood.

How To Prevent Fleas In Your Home

There are flea treatments you can use monthly if you are in high-risk areas of fleas. You want to make sure that you vacuum regularly due to the fact this pest typically love to rest in dimes areas. All areas with less light should be inspected daily such as carpets, upholstery, baseboards, and pet beddings. Insect Growth Regulators are great for treating flea hotspots but may take some time to actually work. In this event, you can try Liquid Residual Insecticides. This helps with adult fleas. A few other ways that are less toxic are flea traps, and diatomaceous earth (DE).

How Long Can Fleas Live Without a Host
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